Aucune traduction exact pour عاشق ولهان

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Traduire anglais arabe عاشق ولهان

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les exemples
  • Is she in love with him?
    أهي عاشقة له؟
  • She's in love with him.
    هي عاشقة له.
  • You're in love with him.
    أنت عاشق له.
  • But then she admitted that she was in love with him.
    لكنّها أقرّت بأنّها عاشقةٌ له
  • I was in love with him, I swear.
    أنا كُنْتُ عاشقة له، أُقسمُ بذلك.
  • - You were in love with him. - I was, all right?
    أنت كنتي عاشقة له. - كان، بخير؟
  • You're in love with him, not me.
    أنتي عاشقة له و لَيسَ لي
  • She was in love with him and she was bitter.
    هي كانت عاشقة له و كانت مريرة
  • I was so in love with him, I swear.
    أنا كُنْتُ عاشقة له، أُقسمُ بذلك.
  • You will run away with it. Aren't you in love with him?
    أنت سَتَهْربُ معه. الست عاشقة له؟